
  • Back To School Bash

    Started in 2013 as a way to connect the community to resources that promote education and empowerment. The Back To School Bash is held annually in August. This free event gives away over 1,000 backpacks with school supplies and includes local non-profit organizations


    SIMBA and SIMSA transforms local youth ages 8-18 by rescuing gifts, releasing potential, and restoring the promise of our youth within the community. Learn more about SIMBA/SIMSA.

  • GED Program

    In collaboration with Kishwaukee College, we will offer classes for individuals to prepare for the high school equivalency exam (GED). This opportunity can help further their career and education. Classes are held Tuesdays from 5-8 p.m. at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church.

  • Youth Professional Leadership Development

    This program, offered in partnership with the DeKalb County Community Foundation, is geared toward young people of color in DeKalb County. The skills participants gain will prepare them to serve as board members, community organizers, elected officials, and other roles, leading to long-lasting change.